Wednesday 23 April 2014

Interview Questions - QR, Laura, Jie Min, Agana, Ruth

Regarding School/Teaching Environment Differences (Miss Julie Wee)
  1. Is there any difference in the subjects you taught back in Emerald Hill and now?
  2. As times have changed, many of the school facilities were upgraded as well. What are your opinions of the changed teaching environment? How was the teaching environment like in the past?
  3. The school’s relevance has been altered along with times, what do you think are some of the alterations that were made and why were they necessary?

Regarding School Culture & Spirit (Mrs Bowness)
  1. How important do you think school culture is and why do we need to maintain good school spirit among the girls?
  2. The SC experience is one that provides the student with a holistic education. Besides focusing on the academics, we know that multiple school events held embellishes the school year. Were there any memorable events that were held in the past?
  3. If there were, what made these events exceptional? Are the events held in the past different from the ones of current time? If so, how are they different?

Regarding Specialised Education For Female (Mrs Phuah/Mrs De)
  1. Home economics and dance lessons are ways in which the curriculum today has been altered to suit girls. In the past, how were lessons tailored to suit girls?
  2. We all know that we take Home Economics lessons and the intentions of why we take them. Since times have changed, have the focus/method of teaching of the lessons amended to suit the changing times as well?
  3. Physical education is SC is one that is different from most schools, for instance, dance lessons is one that is unique to the SC curriculum. Why are dance lessons important for an education tailored for female needs?


~ Qingru, Laura, Jie Min, Agana, Ruth

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